Q & A
What is our project?
A significant renovation to evolve our facilities to support Main Street United Methodist Church’s mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to help realize our desire to be the Church with a Heart in the Heart of Nashua.
The centerpiece of the project is a new grand entry unifying our church and education buildings and providing accessibility to all. Accessibility features include an elevator and restrooms on all levels of the church building. We will increase our visibility on Main Street through removal of the storefronts in front of the Wesley Building. Critical infrastructure upgrades will be made to improve safety, reliability and energy efficiency, and to provide central air conditioning in the new facilities.
While initially envisioned as a multi-phase project, the current plan has been restructured to a larger single phase to meet various construction and code requirements.
Why are we doing this project?
Since the laying of its cornerstone in 1867, Main Street United Methodist Church has been a place of Christ’s presence and witness to downtown Nashua. To extend that presence into the next century, we must rejuvenate our infrastructure and improve access to eliminate roadblocks to those we are called to serve. The new entry/connection will provide handicap accessibility to all of our existing facilities.
When are we planning to build?
Plans are to complete the renovations by 2018 for our 150th anniversary!
Who will benefit?
Whether you are a young family and need quick access to a restroom during the church service or just have more trouble climbing the stairs than you used to, there is truly something that will “make you smile” in this project. Beyond the personal perspective, however, we aspire to be Christ’s body here in Nashua, and that includes welcoming all. With the new grand entry and elevator, we will provide welcoming, ADA-compliant access from both front and rear to our facilities. With our connected church and Wesley Education Building, children will no longer have to cross the parking lot to move between Sunday school and worship, and we will gain easier access to additional meeting space that we will share with the community. We have benefited from the gift of our church from past generations, and now we can take the responsibility to pass it on to future generations.
How much will it cost?
The preliminary estimate for the construction $1.8 million (including demolition of the storefronts, and hazardous waste mitigation).
Why are we having a capital campaign?
Just as our annual pledge campaign enables us to underwrite our annual operating expenses, a capital campaign enables us to plan for the significant upgrade to our facilities. Careful planning for God’s work is the responsibility of all good stewards. The Heart of Nashua campaign allows us to be intentional about our giving over the next three years and take the steps necessary to be generous in our support of God’s work in Nashua.
How will we deal with any shortfalls in funding?
The initial Heart of Nashua capital campaign received pledges of $903,000 covering the period of 2013-2016. Due to the restructuring of the construction into a single phase, a second capital campaign running over the next three years is now in progress to cover the remaining construction costs. Based upon the results of this campaign, and other funding sources, the Renovations Committee will develop a more detailed plan to achieve the vision of the Heart of Nashua campaign within the constraints of our financial resources.
What is the title and theme of the campaign?
Our title is the Heart of Nashua campaign because we aspire to our vision of being “the church with a heart in the heart of Nashua.” Our theme is nothing less than the “Rebirth of Main Street United Methodist Church.”
Who is leading the campaign?
Under the guidance of the faith-based capital campaign organization, Horizons Stewardship Company, the following dedicated team from our church is leading the 2016-2019 Heart of Nashua: Growing in Faith campaign:
Campaign Chairperson: Paul Pederzani
Coordinator: Marcia Brown with assistance from Liz Young
Communication Team: Jerry Harrow with assistance from Mary Marchese and Margaret Danquah
Prayer Team: Cindy Morrissey with assistance from Pam Breniser and Maggie Dechene
Advance Commitments Team: Kent and Donna Swanson
Youth and Children: Mavis Pyle with assistance from Sarah Gowen and Kelly Rose
Gratitude and Ministry Team: Mark Morrissey with assistance from Pam Breniser
Celebration Team: Joyce Tagliaferro
Connection Team: Joe Dechene with assistance from Paul Pederzani, Margaret Danquah, Pam Axtell, and Bill Francis
Lead Gifts Team: Kent Swanson with assistance from Pastor Rich
What are the major milestones?
The core of the campaign occurs in October and November with the pledge period continuing through 2016.
Sep 24th
Leadership Gathering
Sep 25th
A Call to Prayer
Oct 16th
Gratitude Sunday
Oct 30th
Ministry Sunday
Nov 13th
Celebration Sunday
Nov 19th
Prayer Walk
Nov 20th
Commitment Sunday
Dec 18th
First Fruit Offering
What kind of commitment will I be asked to make?
As members of Christ’s body, we have committed ourselves to support the Main Street United Methodist Church though our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. The Heart of Nashua campaign gives us the opportunity to renew and deepen that commitment by practicing generosity in all aspects of our spiritual journey. Pray frequently for your church and for the Heart of Nashua campaign. Be generous in your giving to the annual church pledge campaign and then, over and above that, be radically generous to the Heart of Nashua campaign so our ministries to downtown Nashua can flourish. And finally, be open to opportunities for service and let your actions be your witness to your community and the wider world.